Dabbawallas suffering from diabetic foot disease...
YS Ghule is no nutritionist, but if he looks displeased upon your diet, take serious note of it. Moreover, the chairman of the Mumbai Jewan Dabba Vahtuk Mandal is among the 5,000 dabbawallas in the city who have taken it upon themselves to drive home the point of staying healthy and to warn their clientèle of the grave risk of diabetic foot disease.
To say more, Ghule explained that they spend close to eight hours a day walking therefore they are familiar with problems related to feet as a result this this concern gave birth to the idea of delivering more than a just wholesome meal. While he also added that they have decided to train under diabetologists and orthopaedists to understand the complexities of diabetes and diabetic foot and they will then ask their customers if they suffer from diabetes and will give them a checklist on ways to tackle diabetic foot.
As a matter of fact, the plan may have far-reaching benefits and up to five lakh families bank on dabbawallas for their daily lunch.
Shockingly, experts say more than 17 lakh people in Mumbai alone suffer from diabetes.
Creating awareness about diabetic foot...
Close to 20% such patients develop foot-related disorders due to high uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which may even lead to amputations.
According to Bhushan Hemade, CEO of Mumbai-based Diaped Foot Clinic, “The World Health Organisation” says the rate of amputations is as high as one limb every 30 seconds while according to data released by the ministry of health, about 20% of diabetics are admitted in Indian hospitals for foot problems.
In fact, Dr S Purohit, consulting diabetologist at Elizabeth Hospital, Walkeshwar explained close to 50% of diabetic foot patients have no go but to go in for amputations if they fail to receive timely treatment.
Fact-fully, diabetics with uncontrolled blood sugar levels may end up losing sensation in their feet and that a minor injury to a foot like a scar or a prick will go unnoticed for two to three days until it starts bleeding profusely.
He in fact thinks the dabbawallas’ plan may be worth the effort. “They have a wide reach. It is heartening to see that they are taking up the cause [of creating awareness about diabetic foot]. Patients, at time, fear approaching the doctor directly for the fear of an amputation. But, timely intervention can avert such a situation.
The hardworking Dabbawallas in Mumbai really have tough time in the sun when it comes to to their health and therefore an awareness towards good health is a must for their survival.
(AW:Samrat Biswas)