Rain, snow and even tears are harmful for her healthHot Buzz

April 07, 2015 17:46
Rain, snow and even tears are harmful for her health},{Rain, snow and even tears are harmful for her health

(Image source from: Rain)

Alexandra Allen was on vacation with her friends and she had gone for swimming when suddenly she realized something was irritating her skin. Initially she thought chlorine added to water for her skin reaction, but on proper diagnosis it was found to be water. Alexandra is allergic to water which is medically termed as ‘aquagenic utricarial’

Her skin and eyes becomes dry whenever she comes in contact of water. This dryness leads to continuous itching and painful reaction on skin.

According to a study, the allergy becomes severe after exposure to rain, snow, sweat or tears. It tends to affect women more than men and usually appears during puberty.

There is no clear explanation behind the cause of this kind of allergy.

Allen, 17-year-old from Mapleton, Utah has to keep herself away from water. She has taken preventive measures like opting vegetarian food to reduce oils in her skin, using sweat controller and taking cold shower a week.

Her condition can become worse in humid climates and is thought to be degenerative.

Allen is positive about her condition and hopes she will overcome it, though not completely one day.

- Smrutirekha

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Alexandra Allen  water allergic  Utah