Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton has announced on Thursday that he will be running for Democratic nomination for Arizona's 9th Congressional District.
Last week Democrat Kyrsten Simema has announced that she will be running for U.S Senate seat in 2018. Greg Stanton has made this announcement on Facebook.
In his statement, he stated that it’s been my honor working as Mayor of Phoenix. But with what’s happening in Washington, we need representatives who will fight for our community and protect our state.
He also stated that Arizonans deserve better than what they are already getting from Washington. I will continue to do what we’ve done in Phoenix.
This 9th District includes parts of Phoenix and several suburbs. He previously considered running for Arizona Secretary of State. Stanton was first elected as Mayor in 2011 and re-elected in 2015.
As mayor, he has supported the expansion of Phoenix’s light rail system and re-development of the city’s central core.
By A.s