(Image source from: arizonadailyindependent.com)
The legislative assembly of Arizona senators on Wednesday has nodded towards a final approval accepting to a proposal victims of acknowledging victims of sexual harassment to report the police or to examine in a unlawful cases noticed to be crime, even if they are holding a signed non disclosure of agreement as a vital process of Civil settlements.
The proposed request from republican party representative Maria Syms of Paradise Valley also regulates on non-disclosure agreements for social and public officials, who utilizes state money for settling the sexual misconduct charges. It also passed to the notice of house with 59-0 vote Wednesday after earlier united agreement of senate approval and now it is processed to Gov Doug Ducey for consideration.
Republican Rep. Maria Syms reported that her proposal will stop a “Sexual Predator Loophole” pressuring victims to keep remained silent as criminals being escaped from illegal prosecution. She also ensured that public officials can’t use public funding to manage the embarrassments confidential y ,.
“It closes the sexual predator loophole that has allowed so many of these people to continue to prey people” she quoted during the vote to the house members. “We don’t want people to be able to hide behind non-disclosure agreements and continue like the Weinsteins and the nassars of the world abusing people, this is a great step for victim’s rights”
According to the state lawmakers, no settlements have been paid by the state from past decade because the public records law needs the settlement agreements to b released.
By Lokesh