NRI Welfare Society of India is the premier body which watches the interest of Non Resident Indians (NRIs) within the country and plays the role of an effective link between the Government and NRIs.
In the last ten years the Society has played a significiant role in bringing NRIs closer to the motherland by informing and educating them about the liberalised policies of the Govt. of India. The Society organises one Congress in New Delhi and one outside India annually. NRIs from different parts of the world participate in the Congress to share their views and suggest ways to attract NRI investment in the country. The previous Congresses were addressed by national leaders. financial wizards and economic experts. The Society has been playing an effective role in building confidence amongst the NRIs, which was very much lacking. Various suggestions were forwarded to the Government, on which the government is giving serious thought and liberalised policies beneficial to NRIs. Complaints of harassment at various levels are forwarded and attention drawn of the relevant authorities.
The Society also honours NRIs with the 'Hind Rattan Award', for their outstanding services, achievements and contributions and this is a regular feature in every Congress.