An art gallery which is especially denoted for water shows a waterfall, a water globe, a single drop on a canvas or a sweeping artwork of the ocean.
Generous artist take part in this event and make it a grand success. The show is all about importance of water, its resources and its conservation.
The beautiful images fascinate the audiences. The show is held from March 1 to March 28 at Prescott Center for the Arts, Prescott.
Water is an incredible aspect of our daily lives. We drink, bath, cook and carry out lot of other daily activities involving water. Even the animals and plants also exist on water. But day by day the water resources are getting depleted, causing a major concern for our future generation. This natural resource is becoming scarcer in certain places and its availability is a major social and economic concern.
In the developing world, 90% of all wastewater still goes untreated into local rivers and streams. The dirt not only affects freshwaters bodies, but also degrades ground water resources.
The show also aims at water harvesting techniques.
- Smruthirekha