Ugadi is the New Year's Day in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It falls on a different day every year because the Hindu calendar is a lunisolar calendar. The luni-solar calendars, consider the position of the Moon and the position of the Sun to divide the year into months and days. Ugadi marks the first day of the New Year. On this day new Samvatsara, which is a cycle of sixty years, starts. All sixty Samvatsara are identified by unique name.
Ugadi marks the change in the lunar orbit as the beginning of the new Hindu lunar calendar. It heralds the advent of spring. Mother Nature awakes to give birth to new plants and cover earth in a blanket of green. As spring accompanies new life on earth, Ugadi accompanies a feeling of joy, growth and prosperity.
The legend associated with the festival is that the creator, Lord Brahma started creation of the universe on this auspicious day. He created the days, weeks, months and years to count the time and then created all other elements present in the universe.
On the day of the festival houses are thoroughly cleaned and washed and decorated with fresh flowers and leaves. Fresh cow dung is splashed on the ground in front of their houses and beautiful floral designs are drawn. The whole family wears new clothes to enjoy the spirit of the festival and pray to seek blessings from the Almighty.
Food occupies an important in the festival. Special dishes are prepared and enjoyed by the people to mark the festival.
The Telugu Association of Arizona is organizing the celebrations of Ugadi on 15th April at IACRF Hall 2804 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85017 4 p.m. onwards.
Admission tickets are available at $10 for adults and $5 for kids under 10 years.
For further information you can kindly contact Mr.Venkat Kommineni (602) 284-8760 or mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit their website by clicking here.