(Image source from: Steps to preparing for parenthood})
Are you planning to have babies? Indeed, you are already getting several advices and suggestions from family, friends and strangers. If, you are newly married, then, there is no doubt that, everyone asks you about, when you and your partner are planning to have kids. There are several things which you have to do before having babies, because the period between marriage to start a family is priceless. There will be a new guest in your family and you may plan several things for little one. Obviously, you have planned a lot to do before having the baby, here we are suggesting some steps which will help you to plan things for parenthood.
Pick a pediatrician: It might be a good time to look for a pediatrician. You can ask your friends and also look online. Having a pediatrician picked out before, is a good idea because you can get home and schedule the appointment without worrying.
Make a list of nearby hospitals:
During your pregnancy, you may need more care. It would be better to make a contact list of all nearby hospitals, so that, whenever you need a doctor or find any emergency, you will be able to call directly.
Make a nest for Junior:
You should decorate or arrange your room in a child friendly manner. Make a few changes in your room’s interior and give it a new look. It will be the best way to welcome a new guest in to your life.
Have all the romance:
You should spend more time with your partner, both of you should give more efforts to understand each other, because the baby will need both of you equally. Your strong bonding will be very helpful, when you become parents. You can go for candlelight dinners and can do all the romantic things. Your love and affection will influence your child also.
Talk about the kid stuffs:
The most important thing before planning to have kids is to discuss about the kids stuff with your partner. When, you both want kids and how do you want to raise them. You both will have to plan your financial and personal aspects as well.
Spend time with children:
If you have small kids in your family and friends, then hang out with them. You will have an idea about how you and your partner have to relate to children.