Friends are an integral part of our life. But friendships are not only about going for some outing or planning for a movie or dinner, its about sharing and caring as well. Some friends come in our life, join the journey called “Friendship” and leave at their destination but there are some more who join our journey and make it a lifetime.
You have to understand who is there with you to complete the journey, and for whom we have to decide some particular destination.
A few positives signs of true friendships are given here.
A true friendship is when he or she always feels happy and satisfied, with your happiness and equally tensed and sad, when you are in trouble or any distressed situation. In a friendship when both of them keep their fingers crossed for each other and contribute for some positive outcome must be a real one.
Unlike other friends in your school or college, If you have one friend who never envy you but inspire with their success in life to set your goal, never loose them. A true friend always encourage to become successful in life and they become happy equally like your parents in your success and sad in your failure. But they will never stop motivating you. A healthy competition is always a sign of good friendship.
There is nothing that can strengthen your friendships except Honesty. A true friend always speaks honestly. Whether it sounds good or bad. If something is wrong, they never appreciate it just to make you happy. At the same time they feel proud and appreciate, if you do something good or for any decision in your life. Only a true friend can say honestly “it does’nt suit you” or what suits you the most.
If you have someone who never interferes in your life but advises you if your decision seems wrong to them or anything that may harm you, trust the person. In certain situations its not possible to say directly “you should not do this” But a true friend will always give a clue if you are going to do something wrong.
Often, it is not possible to communicate daily or regularly but you you will find the true friendship always in the same place where you have left them even years or months ago. Some friends can really make you feel like you met them yesterday, even if you met him or her after few years. You will always find these persons beside you when you need them.
Comfortability is the main aspect of friendship. You will feel most comfortable with the true friend. And if the friendship is not true you can never find comfort even if the person is good.
If you have one or many true Friends in your life, treasure them.
By Prakriti Neogi