Anyone can be in head over heels in love with a person but letting that doting last forever especially when situations get rigid is tougher. You can grow older with your partner in many ways, but you will only grow closer and more creative through the steady practice of a handful of actions, which are the keys for how to make love eternal.
Putting these five tips into practice you will greatly make peace with any hardship ahead, during, and after.
Keep Calm and Stay Patient
When you are madly in love with your partner, then don’t let the moments of crisis to make a mess of your relationship. In fact, being patient enough can be an asset to hold back your relationship.
Don't let the stress and pressure of the situation influence you into losing perspective. Know that if you are not careful, hard knocks can ruin your relationship. Stay away from using criticism to make a point, blaming, lecturing, sarcasm and name-calling.
Instead of turning away from your partner in times of difficulty, turn to your partner. Keep calm and stay patient. Everything turns possible again when love and patience are present.
Choose to Forgive
At times situation occurs where you might be offended or where your partner is at fault and you can’t keep away from harboring anger or showing resentment towards them. Instead, chose to forgive them?
Forgiving your partner feel better, because now instead of focusing on the negative feelings you have toward them, you can focus on moving forward. You can't really get through an arduous time when your each and every thought is about how distressed you are with the person who got you into that mess. It only makes things more embarrassing.
Actively Pursue Each Other
A lot of couples put no energy to their relationship but expect it to thrive. Indeed, relationships require a lot of energy and work. Relationships won’t work unless and until you actively pursue each other. It helps you and your partner believe you both are on the same team and are ready to triumph over anything that comes your way.
Holding hands while communicating without constraint, listening with attention while looking into each other's eyes, and re-pledging yourselves to each other aloud regularly, are some of the ways that show your partner you genuinely care. The situations may be tough but that doesn't mean you or your partner have to be.
Extra Reliable in the Small Things
Relationships are built on trust, deprived of it they wither and die. Being extra reliable particularly during tough times builds that trust. Be there when you'll say you'll be, and do what you say you'll do. And it's in the small things where you will see this reliability bring in huge plus. Even in tough times, your partner will feel off the hook and secure that you'll be the same day after day, no matter what falls out. By keeping your commitments, being consistent, and managing your expectations your relationship can obviate any storm.
Break out of the Routine
It can be difficult to stay connected to your partner between kids, careers and outside commitments. But then there are good reasons to make the effort. Plan regular date nights to keep things interesting.
Breaking out of the routine and trying new things can help head off all of the negative energy that tough times may bring and get you and your partner back in the right mental state.
By Sowmya Sangam