Search Results On azta president

azta president

  • AZTA Diwali 2015 Celebrations, Venkat Kommineni, arizona telugu association gears up for diwali 2015 celebrations, Azta president

    Arizona Telugu Association gears up for Diwali 2015 Celebrations 2015-11-12 07:45:37

    Arizona Telugu Association (AZTA) is gearing up for Diwali 2015 Celebrations. The nonprofit organization that brings Telugu speaking people of Arizona together is looking forward for Diwali 2015 Celebrations. The event is schedule to take place on 14 November 2015...

    Keywords: Venkat Kommineni, Venkat Kommineni, AZTA Diwali 2015 Celebrations, Venkat Kommineni

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    Ekta Mandir, Ekta Mandir, azta ugadi 2016 celebrations conclude on grand note, Azta president

    AZTA Ugadi 2016 celebrations conclude on grand note 2016-04-19 13:01:00

    AZTA Ugadi 2016 celebrations went on and concluded in a grand note at Indo-American foundation hall (Ekta Mandir) Phoenix, Arizona, on Sunday, 17 April 2016. Ugadi celebrations in Phoenix was a grand success with hundreds of Telugu speaking people gathering...

    Keywords: Ekta Mandir, Venkat Kommineni, Ekta Mandir, Ekta Mandir

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    UGADI Celebrations, nonprofit organization, wonderful ugadi celebrations by az telugu association, Azta president

    Wonderful UGADI Celebrations by AZ Telugu Association 2013-07-20 08:41:10

    Welcome to Arizona Telugu Association which happens to be a nonprofit organization bringing Telugu speaking people of Arizona together. Arizona Telugu Association is strongly pursuing the nonprofit organization status which will absolutely give us an opportunity to raise funds for...

    Keywords: Kollasoft, rich Telugu heritage, Indian culture, Telugu culture

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    Ugadi celebrations in Phoenix, AZTA Ugadi celebrations in Phoenix, azta ugadi celebrations in phoenix, Azta president

    AZTA Ugadi celebrations in Phoenix 2014-04-25 12:45:23

    Ugadi celebrations in Phoenix was a grand success with hundreds of Telugu speaking people gathering together in the valley to mark the auspicious day. The Arizona Telugu Assocaition (AZTA) had organised the Ugadi celebrations in Arizona on Saturday 19th April,...

    Keywords: top news, top news, AZTA Ugadi celebrations in Phoenix, Ugadi celebrations in Phoenix

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