Search Results On great idea (Page 1 of 3)

great idea (Page 1 of 3)

  • food myths, food myths, facts behind few food myths, Great idea

    Facts behind few food myths! 2016-04-12 10:37:01

    Food myths are not jut confusing they are even fatal at times. Confirm what is good and what is bad from an expert or doctor and decide on what to consume. Do not just stick to myths and ensure to...

    Keywords: food myths, nutritious food, food myths, goof food

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    fruits for diabetics, fruits for diabetics, eat selected fruits incase of diabetes, Great idea

    Eat selected Fruits Incase Of Diabetes 2015-11-30 10:35:25

    A form of sugar present in fruits, ‘fructose’ has a negative impact on overweight and diabetics individuals. So, it is essential to eat selected fruits incase of diabetes. You can definitely enjoy seasonal fruits like grapes and mangoes incase you...

    Keywords: Diabetes, fruits for diabetics, Diabetes, Diabetes

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    day of love, love, celebrate a healthy day of love, Great idea

    Celebrate a healthy day of love 2016-02-12 12:19:39

    Valentine's Day is almost here. Show a little gesture of love on your body and soul. Wondering how? On 14 February, most of us celebrate with a lot of unhealthy food. Rather, opt for healthy delicacies. With healthy dishes, you...

    Keywords: day of love, Valentine's Day, day of love, Valentine's Day

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    dance debuts, dance debuts, prepare well for dance or musical debut of your child, Great idea

    Prepare well for Dance or musical debut of your child 2016-05-19 07:08:21

    What a pleasure it is to be part of many of the valley’s dance/musical debuts! It is an experience which imparts knowledge of various aspects related to these events to both the hosts as well as the vendors involved. Apart...

    Keywords: prepare for D-day, prepare for D-day, musical debut, prepare for D-day

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    Monday morning, Monday morning blues, tips to beat monday morning sickness, Great idea

    Tips to beat ‘Monday morning sickness’ 2016-03-22 05:45:57

    Monday morning is back! It is an end to weekend and time to begin your week-long work.Agree that the week-end flew away quickly! If you are struggling with Monday morning blues, remember that it is not only you. People around...

    Keywords: Monday morning, Monday morning blues, Monday morning blues, Monday morning

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    day of love, day of love, celebrate a healthy day of love, Great idea

    Celebrate a healthy day of love 2016-03-16 10:11:13

    Valentine's Day is almost here. Show a little gesture of love on your body and soul. Wondering how? On 14 February, most of us celebrate with a lot of unhealthy food. Rather, opt for healthy delicacies. With healthy dishes, you...

    Keywords: love, Valentine's Day, day of love, love

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