Monday morning is back! It is an end to weekend and time to begin your week-long work.Agree that the week-end flew away quickly! If you are struggling with Monday morning blues, remember that it is not only you. People around the globe get affected with this, irrespective of age, caste, nationality and so on.
Here we are with few tips helpful in beating Monday morning blues!
Don’t ever start your week with a hangover. Go for your drinks, if you have a habit, on Saturday.
Wake up early. Slightly early than your usual wake up time.
Getting up early would help you complete your morning tasks on time and you can head early to work. The idea behind this is that you may be little slow on Monday after a relaxed week-end.
Allow a little treat for you on Monday. This would greatly help to pick up your mood.
Treat could be anything from wearing a new dress, taking time for saloon or having a special lunch. Pick the one which makes you happy. This will work wonders.
To get an instant cheer-up plan your coming week-end well ahead.
Planning early would help you look forward.
One other way is to plan your week in an organized manner.
List down your activities and tasks to be completed. You will have a direction with clarity to work all through the week. Aren’t these great ideas?
- Sumana