Search Results On hermosillo


  • killed, killed, dead bodies found in mexico and morman families leave the place, Hermosillo

    Dead Bodies Found In Mexico And Morman Families Leave The Place 2019-11-11 10:24:12

    On Saturday, at a mass grave near the Mexican resort town of Puerto Penasco, there were ten dead bodies found.There is a group called the ‘Searching Mothers of Sonora’ who initially traced 42 dead bodies at the clandestine burial site. They are...

    Keywords: Mormons, Mormons, South Arizona, dead bodies

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    Arizona visitors, Arizona visitors, sonora arts festival seeks arizona visitors, Hermosillo

    Sonora arts festival seeks Arizona visitors 2016-05-14 05:18:12

    The  2016 Pitic International Festival is all set to be celebrated in Sonora. The festival is expected to be celebrated by over 900 artists from 15 countries. The organizers are inviting  Arizonans to have a front-row seat. Eduardo Lemmen Meyer,...

    Keywords: Sonora arts festival, Hermosillo, Arizona visitors, Hermosillo

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    Arizona-Mexico Commission, Arizona-Mexico Commission, arizona mexico commission president resigned, Hermosillo

    Arizona-Mexico commission president resigned! 2016-12-06 09:57:19

    The president of the Arizona-Mexico Commission, David Farca, has resigned. Governor Doug Ducey's friend David Farca departure from the unpaid post as chair of the public-private organization which promotes networking, trade and information-sharing became official during a reception in Hermosillo,...

    Keywords: David Farca, Arizona-Mexico Commission president, Arizona-Mexico Commission, Arizona-Mexico Commission

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