(Image source from: lostubos.com)
On Saturday, at a mass grave near the Mexican resort town of Puerto Penasco, there were ten dead bodies found.
There is a group called the ‘Searching Mothers of Sonora’ who initially traced 42 dead bodies at the clandestine burial site. They are a group that search for their loved ones who are missing.
As per the reports of Arizona Republic, they got to know from The Sonora Attorney General’s Office that there were 10 human dead bodies dug in five graves.
As per the report, they could manage to recover a few dead bodies, out of which they did autopsies for 18 dead bodies and they could trace one dead body that was returned to the family.
In towns such as San Luis Rio Colorado, Caborca, Nogales, Agua Prieta, Hermosillo, Guaymas, Ciudad Obregón and Navojoa at the Attorney General’s Departments of Expert Services, a family member can lodge a complaint about their dead family member and submit a DNA test.
Terrified with the violence, there were Mormon families who traveled in an 18-vehicle caravan to reach Tuscon City and they were there on Saturday.
Around nine women and a few children were killed last week and after this, the families came.
It was the worst nightmare for the children who escaped. One was shot in the face, one was shot on her foot and the other girl was wounded on her back and foot.
There was a disturbance all around the city, few families were traveling to Pheonix and a few of them intend to stay back in Tuscon.
All credit goes to “the Searching Mothers of Sonora”, the high profile medical and criminal experts who are struggling and working on this. One of the offices says this in one of its statement, “women who have turned their pain into strength to recover their treasures”.
By Neha Makhija