Search Results On high calorie food

high calorie food

  • healthy eating, healthy eating, small changes in lifestyle easily cuts cancer cases data suggests, High calorie food

    Small Changes In Lifestyle Easily Cuts Cancer Cases, Data Suggests 2015-09-19 10:36:49

    Figures have indicated that a third of cancer cases were cut in the UK with healthy eating, more exercise besides cutting down alcohol. This means it is easy to cut cancer cases with healthier lifestyle. According to the World Cancer...

    Keywords: lifestyle, healthy eating, cancer cases, healthy eating

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    sense of smell weight loss, high calorie food, smelling high calorie food for 2 minutes can help you eat less study, High calorie food

    Smelling High-Calorie Food for 2 Minutes Can Help You Eat Less: Study 2019-01-18 10:42:20

    Every so often when you enter a restaurant, the aroma of pizzas, burger or sandwiches may entice you but you refrain yourself from eating them due to high calorie it contains. Are you on a diet and still can’t control...

    Keywords: smelling helps in eating less, smelling your food before you eat it, food scent, smelling helps in eating less

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    basal metabolic rate, Annapurna Agrawal, worthiness of calories, High calorie food

    Worthiness of calories! 2013-06-17 08:49:47

    Experts explained while they emphasized on the fact that hot and crispy fried snacks, sweets, carbohydrates-rich food as well as others similar should be avoided if we want to keep a check on our weight, yet do provide calories to...

    Keywords: Worthiness of calories, high calorie food, blood pressure medications, nutritionists

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    low-fat food, Cola, low fat food myth busted, High calorie food

    Low-fat food myth busted! 2013-07-03 11:44:31

    Clueless on why your healthy diet of fruit juice, low-fat yoghurts and brown bread failing to slash off inches from your waistline? We explain why.An astonishing survey has revealed that gorging on smoothies, dried nuts, and low fat foods can...

    Keywords: high calorie food, low-fat yoghurt, Tesco, Cola

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    Calorie, Why Yo-Yo diet is bad for you, why yo yo diet is bad for you, High calorie food

    Why Yo-Yo diet is bad for you? 2013-07-13 09:39:42

    Researchers have found that being on Yo-Yo diet can do more harm than good to your body, and even leave you weighing a few extra kilos. Health experts believe that constricting calories in your daily diet will make you yearn...

    Keywords: Oregon research Institute, Yo-yo diets, Oregon research Institute, Eric Stice

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