Search Results On huffington post (Page 1 of 4)

huffington post (Page 1 of 4)

  • India and pakistan, title for film on abhinandan varthaman, amid tensions between india and pakistan bollywood producers in rush to register titles for film over pulwama attack, Huffington post

    Amid Tensions Between India and Pakistan, Bollywood producers in Rush to Register Titles for Film Over Pulwama Attack 2019-03-01 12:36:41

    It’s been not even a month since a suicide terror attack took place in Jammu and Kashmir’s district and not too long a surgical strike carried out by India which one of the Indian Air Force Pilot Abhinandan Varthaman was...

    Keywords: uri surgical strike movie, surgical strike 2, pulwama attack, surgical strike

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    hot buzz, dirtiest man alive, meet the world s dirtiest man alive, Huffington post

    Meet the world's dirtiest man alive 2014-01-16 09:17:27

    An 80-year-old Iranian man has been names as the world's dirtiest man. As why? Well, this gentleman, who lives in isolation (for he must), hasn't bathed himself even once for the past 60 years. Amou Haji, who loves eating rotten...

    Keywords: hot buzz, dirtiest man alive, hot buzz, dirtiest man alive

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    Harvard psychiatric, Harvard psychiatric, concerns over trump s mental stability, Huffington post

    Concerns over Trump's mental stability! 2016-12-20 05:52:24

    Three top professors of psychiatry from America's prestigious universities raised question over the  mental stability of the United States president-elect Donald Trump, as they wrote to president Barack Obama expressing their "grave concern" over  Trump's mental stability. The doctors urged...

    Keywords: Harvard psychiatric, Donald Trump, Trump's mental stability, Donald Trump

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    How to look young, aging habits, your habits age you, Huffington post

    Your habits, age you 2016-01-18 13:26:30

    Are you looking older than your actual age?  Your friends look younger and attractive. Now, no need to feed sad and worry about your appearance, It is the time to evaluate your habits, such as, food habits, sleeping habits, working...

    Keywords: things that age you, aging habits, aging habits, things that age you

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    cockroach, vacuum, man vacuums ear to kill roach, Huffington post

    Man vacuums ear to kill roach 2014-01-13 12:01:55

    An Australian man woke up with sharp pain in his right ear and immediately rushed to the hospital only to be told that a cockroach has crept into his ear. Doctors immediately poured out some olive oil and plucked out...

    Keywords: cockroach, ear, vacuum, weird news

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    instagram, Mannequins with pubic hair, mannequins with pubic hair, Huffington post

    Mannequins with pubic hair 2014-01-18 10:52:38

    Heights of reality? Mannequins, which were once nothing more than just plastic molds of humans, are soon  getting a life and how. The trend to humanize mannequins have gone a tad too far after an Instagram shot from American Apparel...

    Keywords: weird news, weird news, Mannequins with pubic hair, mannequins

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