Search Results On state representative

state representative

  • State Representative, Illinois, syamala krishnamsetty indian american running for illinois house 40th district, State representative

    Syamala Krishnamsetty – Indian American running for Illinois House 40th District 2020-01-25 07:47:23

    In a world where the rich is becoming richer and the poor, poorer, Syamala Krishnamsetty is a name that is expected to bring forth reforms that the minorities in the society have been looking forward to. Krishnamsetty is a state...

    Keywords: Krishnamsetty, Syamala Krishnamsetty, Illinoise House 40th District, Illinois

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    Arizona news, Arizona tax bill, a big vote of confidence arizona s bitcoin tax bill, State representative

    A Big Vote of Confidence Arizona’s Bitcoin Tax Bill 2018-03-09 10:28:43

    A committee in the Arizona House of Representatives has suggested the password of bill which allows the state residents to be able to pay the tax bills in Bitcoin.The public record tells about the House’s Ways and Means Committee advanced...

    Keywords: Arizona news, Arizona news, Arizona news, Arizona bitcoin tax bill

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    Arizona tax on gas, Arizona tax on gas, arizona may increase taxes on gas, State representative

    Arizona may increase taxes on Gas 2017-01-24 11:53:39

    According to reports an Arizona lawmaker is planning to rise up the tax on Gas. State representative Noel Campbell said to keep Arizona’s highways and bridges safe, there was no other option but to increase the tax on Gas price....

    Keywords: Arizona tax on gas, rise in Arizona gas tax, Arizona may increase tax on gas, Arizona Gas tax may rise

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    hinduism, hindu temple design plans, hindu temple vandalized in kentucky miscreants spray paint on deity, State representative

    Hindu Temple Vandalized in Kentucky, Miscreants Spray Paint on Deity 2019-01-31 07:25:15

    A Hindu temple in Kentucky has been vandalized by wrongdoers who sprayed black paint on the god and left a knife stabbed into a chair in the main hall of the place of worship. The incident took place at the...

    Keywords: oldest hindu temple in the world, hindu temples in united states, hindu, hinduism

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