Search Results On sweet recipe

sweet recipe

  • microwave Mysore Pak, microwave Mysore Pak, easy to prepare microwave mysore pak, Sweet recipe

    Easy to prepare Microwave Mysore Pak 2015-11-20 11:11:27

    Every Indian knows Mysore pak, a famous sweet that originated in Mysore, Karnataka. Most of us even love the sweet, which melts deliciously in our mouths. It is made using three simple ingredients, probably available in every kitchen. Check out...

    Keywords: sweet recipe, microwave Mysore Pak, Mysore Pak, sweet recipe

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    Pineapple Kesari, Pineapple Kesari, recipe of pineapple kesari to please your temptation, Sweet recipe

    Recipe Of Pineapple Kesari To Please Your Temptation 2015-08-07 11:10:58

    No festival or a party is complete without a sweet. And for sweet lovers, they simply don’t need any occasion to have mouth watering sweets. Here is a simple home-made sweet recipe that could be prepared quickly. So that, you...

    Keywords: sweet dish, Pineapple Kesari, sweet dish, Pineapple Kesari

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    naivedyam recipes, PalaThalkalu recipe, palathaliklau recipe indian sweet noodles, Sweet recipe

    Palathaliklau Recipe, Indian Sweet Noodles 2015-10-14 11:28:53

    Indian sweet dish Pala Thalikalu is mostly prepared during the times of festivals as naivedyam. Yet it is a yummy snack that can be prepared at any time to satisfy your quest for a homemade sweet dish. This is a...

    Keywords: PalaThalkalu recipe, PalaThalkalu recipe, PalaThalkalu recipe, Sweet Recipes

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