Search Results On swine flu (Page 1 of 2)

swine flu (Page 1 of 2)

  • travel, healthy travel, tips for healthy travel, Swine flu

    Tips for Healthy Travel 2013-08-12 09:43:05

    During a recent trip to East Africa, I spent a miserable week in a fan-cooled hotel room battling high fever, body aches, and severe sinus congestion. My only pain relief was an ineffective generic antihistamine from a local pharmacy. Luckily,...

    Keywords: healthy travel, tips for travel, tips for travel, healthy travel

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    Monkeypox Outbreak latest, Monkeypox Outbreak cases in India, is monkeypox outbreak coming to india, Swine flu

    Is Monkeypox Outbreak coming to India? 2024-08-19 11:31:25

    The global community remains vigilant as the specter of another major health crisis looms large, over four years since the COVID-19 pandemic was first declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020. In a recent move, the WHO...

    Keywords: Monkeypox, Mpox, Monkeypox Outbreak India, Monkeypox Outbreak news

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    Ayurvedic medicine for dengue, papaya, people opt for homemade remedies as alternative preventive measure for dengue, Swine flu

    People Opt For Homemade Remedies As Alternative Preventive Measure For Dengue 2015-09-22 04:17:56

    The Aedes aegypti mosquito is spreading the deadly dengue disease in Gandhinagar. Petrified people prefer alternative preventive measures with homemade remedies from the ancient system of Ayurveda for protection. No specific drug or vaccine is available for the potential fatal...

    Keywords: Ayurvedic medicine for dengue, Ayurvedic preventive measures, Ayurvedic preventive measures, Ayurvedic medicine for dengue

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    COVID- 19, COVID- 19, who renames the deadly coronavirus as covid 19, Swine flu

    WHO Renames the deadly coronavirus as COVID- 19 2020-02-12 09:59:25

    The director- general of the global body Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has announced the coronavirus being renamed as COVID- 19 at a conference in Geneva.The coronavirus has first been identified in the Wuhan city of China in the late December...

    Keywords: COVID- 19, Coronavirus, Coronavirus, COVID- 19

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    new virus, pandemic, a new virus discovered in china is another pandemic on the way, Swine flu

    A New Virus Discovered in China: Is another Pandemic on the way? 2020-07-01 13:16:58

    Scientists have found a new virus that is infecting people of China which has a potential of becoming a pandemic. If not controlled in time, it can become the cause of next flu pandemic, experts say. While the world is...

    Keywords: pandemic, China, China, pandemic

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    Namaste, avoid spread of disease, indian namaste a way to avoid swine flu, Swine flu

    Indian Namaste a way to avoid swine flu 2015-03-11 13:38:02

    Follow the Indian habit for staying to avoid the spread of hundred of diseases, including swine flu. Haryana health minister, Anil Vij said, Indians must opt the very desi greeting ‘Namaste’ to stay healthy. "You've had a bath, then you...

    Keywords: swine flu, Indian style to avoid swine flu, Namaste, Indian style to avoid swine flu

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