Here’s some good news to all hysteric fans of noted Tollywood actor NTR. This young and dynamic star is getting ready for rocking the silver screen yet another time after giving some excelling hits to the film industry that include Simhadri and Yamadonga. The name of his upcoming film is Badhshah that is being produced under Pareshwara Arts banner. Hit director Srinu Vaitla is directing the film while gorgeous Kajal Agarwal is playing lead role-female.
While Srinu Vaitla too had some good name in the industry and game amazing hits such as Venky and King, it is the first time that the duo are working together. Obviously, the expectations from the audience will be too high. The best part of Srinu Vaitla’s movies is the situational comedy being produced by actor in the lead role besides Brahmanandam will appear in almost every frame to tickle the ribs of the audience to the core. This movie too is likely to contain all these elements and if that happens then people are surely going to laugh out their lungs as it’s a proven thing that NTR can easily make people laugh with his versatile acting.
The film unit of Badshah is reportedly planning to have a two months’ shooting in Italy. Taman is giving music to this film. All in all, Badshah is likely to create hype in the hysteria as four big names—NTR, Srinu Vaitla, Kajal and Taman came together for the first time. (Phani)