Oftentimes, we find ourselves chopping ingredients which are sticky be it fish, garlic or anything similar and have that mucous like substance spewing from the vegetable. Once you are done cooking, your fingers are a mess, covered in a glue like substance that can be very hard to get rid of.
If it is meat that you are tending to, the smell also becomes unbearable. So, here is a quick tip that will help you get out of these “sticky” situations.
You might have known the finger-bowl they serve after dinners in Indian restaurants. That is your solution here. Warm water with a half of lemon in it will work wonders when you try cleansing your hands of the grime, waxy, fatty, gluey foods that you chop. Not only cleaning the hands, it also gives that pleasant lemon aroma that masks the smell of the meat that you just cut.
Two birds with one easy shot!
(AW- Anil)