Superstar Rajinikanth is happy with the way 2.0 performed at the box-office. The film is a smashing hit all over and raked decent revenues in its final run. The actor also completed the shoot of his next film titled Petta. The movie is directed by Karthik Subbaraj and is touted to be an action thriller. The Tamil version of Petta has been announced for January 10th release and there has been no clarity on the Telugu version.
Ashok Vallabhaneni acquired the Telugu theatrical rights for a record price and the film's Telugu version too will release on January 10th all over. Rajinikanth, Vijay Sethupathi, Simran, Trisha, Bobby Simha, Sasikumar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Megha Akash are the lead actors in Petta. Anirudh is the music composer and Sun Pictures produced Petta which is made on a budget of Rs 70 crores.