(Image source from: BusinessStandard)
Over 600 undocumented immigrants were detained along the Arizona-Mexico border in the last 48 hours, according to the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
The federal agency on Wednesday said most of them are groups of families or unaccompanied juveniles from Guatemala, who, totaling to 654 immigrants, voluntarily surrendered to CBP agents in different operations on Monday and Tuesday.
According to the news report, these migrants have no link with the caravan that, coming from Honduras, currently travels through Mexico.
They entered the country illegally near the border crossing of San Luis, where, according to the federal agency, there is an "outdated" border wall infrastructure that lets migrants cross.
CBP further said that "larger numbers have started to illegally cross shallow portions of the Colorado River near Yuma".
The statement added that "at approximately 8.30 pm Monday night, a group of 55 Central Americans waded across the river near County 9th Street and surrendered to agents after walking around vehicle barriers. The area lacks infrastructure that would deter pedestrian entries."
Detentions of groups of immigrants proceed to be made at the Arizona-Mexico border although the administration of President Donald Trump proclaimed earlier this week new regulations that would prevent those who get into the country illegally from seeking political asylum.
Those who want to appeal this type of protection must now present themselves at the ports of entry along the border with Mexico.
Currently, in the border town of Nogales, Arizona, there are more than 60 families waiting their turn to apply for political asylum.
CBP stated that in the present fiscal year, which began on October 1, arrests within the Yuma Sector were up over 150 percent, compared to the same date in the former fiscal year.
By Sowmya