US President Trump slams Bloomberg at Phoenix RallyTop Stories

February 20, 2020 10:53
US President Trump slams Bloomberg at Phoenix Rally

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The President of United States Donald Trump had taken shots at a fellow billionaire Michael Bloomberg, at a rally in Phoenix. It was during the same time when the for mayor of New York was in Las Vegas, taking fire from the fellow Democrats in his first presidential debate.

The President Trump has said that, “Now they have a new member of the crew, Mini Mike”. “ ‘No Boxes,’ we call him ‘No Boxes’”. the reference was regarding the reference that Trump has been taking regarding his height at the Bloomberg which also included the claim that had been previously done by the President that Bloomberg would need to stand on a box at the debate.

"I hear he's getting pounded tonight. I hear they're pounding him," the president Trump has continued. "I think he spent all this money, he has maybe 15 points. Hey, fake news, how many points does he have? They won't tell you the truth."

Donald Trump has later on taken a shot at the MSNBC in which the debate had been televised as he said that MSDNC is worse than CNN and that all of them are pretty bad.

Bloomberg has also been hit by the President Trump for buying his candidacy, as phrased by the President.

"Mini Mike has spent $411 million so far. That idiot [Tom] Steyer -- we call him 'Impeachment Steyer' -- he spent $210 million and look where that got him. I think he got one-third of one percent in Iowa. I never even heard of him."

He also added saying that Hillary Clinton had spent three times more that what President Trump has spent and has lost.

The President Donald Trump has later kicked off the rally by paying a tribute to the veteran of the World War II who had been carried into the rally by two supporters of Trump regarding which a clip had been circulated in the social media.

Donald Trump has said of Irvin Julian who is said to be the veteran of World War II that he is right now the hottest celebrity in the world and that he is all over the television which included even the fake news CNN.

The economic record of the administration of Donald Trump has been focused as the President said that 144 records on the stock market had been set by his administration.

He also said that his administration is expanding the American blessings from the rural communities to the inner cities referring to the 225,000 jobs that have been added last month.

He added saying that the average rate of unemployment during his tenure had been the lowest when compared to to any president of the United States in the recorded history.

Trump has said that he had been cutting the regulations like no body has ever done which had in turn helped the United States in achieving the energy independence for the first time.

Referring to the Socialist Democrats, the President has said that, "I hear a lot of bad things about their vote count," the president said regarding the early nominating contests. "I hear they don't know what they're doing with the vote count in Iowa," as he referred to the technical issues in vote counting at the lowa caucuses which had led to the confusion over the candidate that has come out on top.

The event by Trump at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum is said to be the first among the three rallies in the three days after which he had been scheduled to take his tour to Colorado at the Colorado Springs on Thursday and the last event would be held at Las Vegas on Friday which would be just before the critical Nevada caucuses Saturday.

By Shrithika Kushangi

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