(Image source from: Canva.com)
Perhaps the first measure for the health and protection of the baby is to ensure that the baby is properly fed with breast milk. However, the stigmatization of breastfeeding in public, the lack of infrastructural support to enable mothers to breastfeed in public places and workplaces, and misinformation all equally impact maternal and child health. The purpose of World Breastfeeding Week is to raise public awareness on how to address these issues, curb misinformation and create support networks for women in need. World Breastfeeding Week was launched in 1992 by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA). It is currently celebrated in more than 120 countries from August 1st to 7th every year.
Breastfeeding is easy. Many mothers need guidance and support in positioning their babies for breastfeeding. Like most things, breastfeeding requires time and practice for both mother and child. Breastfeeding shouldn’t be a “women’s thing.” Mothers need support from health care providers, help at home, and adequate nutrition and rest.
Exercise affects the taste and quantity of breast milk. Exercise is completely fine for breastfeeding mothers. There is no evidence that it affects the taste of milk or reduces milk supply.
Milk powder should be avoided. Some mothers may need to feed their baby formula if they need to stop breastfeeding. The doctor approved formula is not harmful.
You should stop breastfeeding your baby after one year: There is no evidence that you should stop breastfeeding after one year. Breastfeeding has been proven to be beneficial for both mother and child for up to two years.
When you go to work, you need to wean the baby. Mothers can continue breastfeeding after work. You can also express breast milk in a bottle and ask a family member to take the bottle for the baby. If your office allows it, you can take your baby to work and rest and breastfeed in an empty room. There are more places to breastfeed these days.
The 'first milk', colostrum, is thickly packed with antibodies. It gives newborns the immunity they need for life.
Breastfeeding is linked to protecting the mother against diabetes, breast and ovarian cancer, and postpartum depression.
Breastfed premature babies are less likely to develop a serious intestinal infection called NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis).
Research has shown that breastfed children perform better on intelligence tests.
Breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact are known to reduce the likelihood of attachment anxiety in infants.