The new face in the Bollywood, Sonakshi Sinha has managed to win the hearts of large number of people with her debut Dabang. This pretty woman of Bollywood is now busy with four films including Rowdy Rathore opposite all big stars. Daughter of Shatrughan Sinha, Sonakshi Sinha never used her father’s name for her entry into Bollywood. She was a full time designer who even used to hit ramps at various events. Bollywood’s Salman Khan once saw her on ramp and persuaded her to act opposite him in Dabang and that’s how it all started. Today, she is one of the most wanted heroines of B-Town. Sonakshi has a huge fan base in many parts of the country.
Unlike many heroines, her conservative look is her plus point as people are apparently fed up with so called gorgeous stars who appear only in glamorous roles. But when asked whether Sonakshi would get nominated for the awards since her role would be limited opposite top heroes, she has said that she was not aiming at awards. She just likes films and feels fortunate that Bollywood accepted her.
Sonakshi would presumably nod for the projects in case she likes the character. Otherwise, awards and stuff like that doesn’t mean a lot at this point of time for this young star.
All in all, it looks like Sonakshi is going to give tough competition to Katrina Kaif who is supposedly ruling the Bollywood now. (Phani)