Bollywood beauty Shraddha Kapoor has been locked to play the female lead in Prabhas’s upcoming film titled Saaho. The shoot of the film is progressing in Hyderabad and Shraddha Kapoor has been touched with the gesture of Saaho team for the warm welcome and the hospitality. She will be seen performing some dare devil stunts for Saaho. The latest news making rounds is that Shraddha will be seen essaying a dual role in the film which are completely different to each other.
The first one will showcase her in a stylish look while the other one will showcase Shraddha in a village belle look. The actress revealed that she has challenging roles assigned and is quite excited about essaying them. Saaho is directed by Sujeeth and Prabhas will be seen as a stylish cop in this action entertainer. Rs 150 crores is the allotted budget and the action episodes alone will cost Rs 25 crores which will be canned in Dubai and Mumbai.
Some crucial episodes are being canned currently in Hyderabad after which the shoot of Saaho will shift to Mumbai. Shankar Ehsaan Loy are the music composers for Saaho and UV Creations is bankrolling this prestigious project. The movie will hit the screens during the second quarter of 2018 in all the Indian languages.