International Conference on Pediatric Endocrinology in AZ!Hot Buzz

September 17, 2016 16:10
International Conference on Pediatric Endocrinology in AZ!

The OMICS Conferences is organizing an International Conference on Pediatric Endocrinology in Arizona. The conference is scheduled to be held during 19-21 of September, 2016 at Phoenix Airport Marriott Phoenix Airport Marriott Phoenix, AZ 85008. The event will be begin at 8:00 AM. Pediatric Endocrinology-2016 aims at Scaling-up effective medicine and research on Pediatric Endocrinology globally.

The conference basically focuses on the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Pediatric endocrinology. Pediatric Endocrinology 2016 invites Endocrine surgeons, Reproductive Endocrinologists and all the eminent researchers and experts in the field of Endocrinal medicine.

According to the organizers, the event highlights are, Pediatric Endocrinology, Ins and Outs of Adrenal diseases, Bone and Mineral Endocrinology, Autoimmune Endocrinology in Children, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, Pituitary- Growth and Regulation, Reproductive Endocrinology, Thyroid, Genetic and Genomic Endocrinology and Best Practices in Pediatric Endocrinology.

The conference is going to cover various topics like Bone and Mineral deficiencies, Adrenal diseases, endocrinology, Diabetes, Autoimmune Hormonal diseases, Metabolic Disorders, Safe paediatric growth, Gynaecology and Sexual Endocrinology, Thyroid insufficiencies, Genetic and genomic sciences in Endocrinology, Change in Treatment methods and Rare Hormonal Diseases.

Pediatric Endocrinology is a medical sub-specialty which deals with variations of physical growth and sexual development in childhood, as well as diabetes and other disorders of the endocrine glands.

Event Details:

Name: International Conference on Pediatric Endocrinology

Organized by: OMICS Conferences

Venue: Phoenix Airport Marriott Phoenix Airport Marriott Phoenix, AZ 85008

Date & Time: Monday, September 19, 2016 - Wednesday, September 21, 2016 8:00 AM

Contact: OMICS Conferences

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: (165) 026-8974

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