(Image source from: Are you meeting the Ex?})
Every partner in a relationship dreads the moment when he/she has to meet the Ex. No doubt meeting your partner's Ex can be quite stressful. But if you have your partner beside you, there should be no reason to work yourself into a nervous frenzy.
Bumping into the Ex is something that can happen anywhere if he/she live in the same city. The smart thing is to be prepared and such encounters will be a cakewalk. Here are some tips you can follow when you meet the Ex.
Always be cordial
Your partner's Ex is neither your friend nor your enemy. So don't be overtly hostile or too friendly. Be cordial and nice to the person. Remember, the Ex will not want to be friends with you, so no need to be too friendly. Also don’t give a cold shoulder and act bad to the person.
Ditch insecurity
There is no need to be insecure about your partner and the Ex. Remember, they broke up for a reason and your partner is with you and not the Ex at the moment. So be cool and chill. But in case you have any doubts then have a discussion with your partner at a private moment.
No need to act competitive
The Ex is no longer in competition. Remember, our partner and the Ex broke up and you are his/her present. So there is no need to be envious and stop acting competitive. Make it a point not to remain by your partner's side permanently when the Ex is around, it reflects insecurity.
Remain dignified
At all times maintain your dignity in front of your partner's Ex. Be a dignified person and respect yourself. Also make it a point to ensure that your partner respects you in front of the Ex or at other times also.
(AW: Pratima Tigga)