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Having friends of all ages and both sexes is a definite boon. The most important part of a healthy friendship is the knack of retaining friends. On the contrary not many of us have many friends in our lives. If we had, then the percentages of depression and suicides would be at all time low. Many of us may know what makes good friends, but most do not know how to make friends and how to maintain friendships. By following simple tips, you will be able to retain and maintain friendship.
Start with first impressions
The first impression is the best impression. The rule is applicable everywhere and even with friendships. Human beings do have intuitions and they work great. Listen to your gut. It is not non-sense all the time.
Some friendships grow with time
Most of the people will be on the defensive side when they first meet someone, though not always. At times, it takes time for the people to develop warmth with you and if that happens the friendship may last longer.
Differences can be common in friendship
Having similarities often makes good friends. Yet, having differences need not part friends. Having friends with major differences can drastically change your world and your vision towards the world. Such friendship could last for a life time.
Focus on friendships that make you happy
Cut down friendships that are not worth the energy and time. Friends can either hold you up or bring you down in life. Your intelligence lies in picking up the right one. However, friendships like all relationships, require maintenance. Choose to maintain those that make you happy and worthy.
Let them know if their friendship is important
The very human nature is that people want to feel important. Everyone would want to know that they are needed and they have a purpose. So, never miss to express how important your friendship is to maintain it for a long time. This is how to maintain friendships.