If you are having some delayed periods on a monthly basis, you have to choose some of the home remedies. These home foods will help you to get periods on a regular basis. If there is a delay in the periods after taking these home foods, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Here are the special home foods for delayed periods:
Papaya stimulates contractions in the uterus and will promote the production of estrogen. This can help a woman to get periods at the right time. You can take papaya as fresh pieces or take it as a juice. The same can be taken on a regular basis.
Fennel: Fennel seeds which are used as meal mouth fresheners can increase the flow of the blood to the uterus. This will also help you to get your periods on time. Soak some fennel seeds in a glass of water overnight and take them with an empty stomach. This should be taken every morning until you get your period.
Pomegranate: This helps to regulate the phasic activity of your period cycle. Add the seeds to your daily diet and you can add them in oats or raita. This will help you to regain your period cycle.
Carrots: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and several bioactive compounds. You can also make some fresh juice out of carrots and add some sugar for better taste. Take the juice on empty stomach.
Ginger: Ginger can ease the period cramps and the bioactive compounds can help to spike the heat of your body. Crush the ginger to extract the juice and add some honey to it. Take this mixture before your sleep in the night.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera balances the hormones that makes your body to alkalize to get menstrual regularity. Extract fresh gel from Aloe Vera leaf and add a drop of honey and consume the mixture immediately. Take it regularly till your periods return to normal.
Pineapple: Peal a pineapple and cut into slices. Take them or make a glass of juice and take it on a regular basis until your period ends.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon can add flavor to your meals. It can warm up the body and induce your period on time. Add the cinnamon seeds in a glass of milk or tea.
By Siva Kumar