A new research discovered that sex aid older adults brains to work better, as the found that older adults who reported of having sex at least once each week got better scores on the certain cognitive tests than those who reported of having sex only once per a month or not at all.
The study by the researchers at Coventry University and also at University of Oxford, both in the United Kingdom was published in the Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences.
Research builds on the earlier work, which found that the sexually active older adults have performed better on some tests of mental ability, as compared to those who were not sexually active.
However, it is still not clear why such a link exists. The authors have referred to other studies which found that older adults who have busy social lives and also physically active are likely to perform better on the tests of mental function.
These might suggest that the link between sexual activity and cognitive function is just a reflection of the social and physical elements of sexual activity.
A lead author Dr. Hayley Wright, from the Centre for Research in Psychology, Behaviour and Achievement at the Coventry University, and colleagues has argued that the sexual activity is a complex phenomenon regarding to the potential to transcend not only the social and physical components, but also the psychological, emotional and also biological aspects.
The researchers also proposed that more frequent sexual activity might be linked with the improved cognition, in the similar way as such a link exists for the other activities. Thus, the researchers designed a study using the broader range of cognitive tests in order to investigate the link.
Mrudula Duddempudi.