No Pardon For Joe Arpaio In Trump’s Rally At Phoenix 2017-08-23 06:11:56
There were many speculations moving around trump’s rally that he would announce pardon to maricopa country Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio in the rally. But Trump didn’t pardon him but he signaled that he was prepared to pardon former sheriff.Former sheriff...
Keywords: rally, rally, Trump, rally
Read MoreDebate On Fate Of Confederate Monuments In Arizona 2017-08-16 05:18:14
The civil rights leaders have slammed Gov.Ducey over removal of confederate monuments in Arizona. They also mentioned that the governor is trying to have “both ways” when it comes to issue of race.The renewed push, came after the violent rally...
Keywords: Confederate Monuments, Gov .Ducey, Debate on removal, Debate on removal
Read MoreMHRN Report Wants Anti-Indian Groups Tagged as Hate Groups 2018-07-25 05:35:57
A Montana Human Rights Network report calls for anti-Indian groups to be categorized as hate groups, saying they believe it fits the definition used by national organizations that monitor such activities.This latest MHRN report, released Friday, "The case for categorizing...
Keywords: Anti-Indian, Anti-Indian, MHRN, Anti-Indian
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