Search Results On medical history (Page 1 of 2)

medical history (Page 1 of 2)

  • Bulent Sonmez life after death, dead man got life back, dead man gets life after ice bath, Medical history

    Dead man gets Life after ice bath!! 2015-04-16 04:42:14

    We heard many stories about the dead personalities becoming devils and ghosts, but not encountered them. Here we have a real story where a dead man got life after the use of controversial therapeutic hypothermia treatment. According to the report...

    Keywords: Heart attacks, Heart attacks, Bulent Sonmez death story, Bulent Sonmez life after death

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    covid-19, covid-19, indian government is leveraging technology to fight covid 19, Medical history

    Indian government is leveraging technology to fight Covid-19 2020-04-13 08:42:20

    Aside from the Aarogya Setu app which has been developed by the central government to keep the citizens informed about the spread of the coronavirus, the government has been indulging in other applications and technology as well. The AAP government...

    Keywords: coronavirus, covid-19, covid-19, apps

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    a new of baby born, a new of baby born, baby born from 15 year old frozen ovary a new medical landmark, Medical history

    Baby born from 15-year-old frozen ovary-a new medical landmark 2015-06-10 05:51:13

    In a first of its kind ever seen in medical history, a woman in Belgium gives birth to a baby using frozen ovary tissue giving a hope to hundreds of young cancer victims. The woman who asked to remain anonymous...

    Keywords: a new of baby born, new medical achievement, Belgium woman gives birth, a hope for cancer patient

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    Mental Health Issues for elder, Mental Health Issues for elder, common mental health issues in older people, Medical history

    Common Mental Health Issues in Older People 2024-06-11 14:40:16

    Mental and physical health are two sides. As we age, our physical health often declines. This could mean adjusting to new health problems, becoming less independent, or adjusting to a new environment. These events can impact the mental health of...

    Keywords: Mental Health Issues, Mental Health Issues latest, Mental Health Issues tips, Mental Health Issues articles

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    hot buzz, david charles, dead brain peddler arrested, Medical history

    Dead brain peddler arrested 2014-01-04 10:12:57

    Last month, a 21-year-old brain bandit was arrested by police after his macabre scheme to steal the brains of dead mental patients and sell them online was foiled. The suspect was peddling some 60 brains. And yes, amazingly there were...

    Keywords: brain peddler, david charles, ebay, brain peddler

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    Wife, 7 yo daughter, ex phoenix police officer and wife accused of murdering 7 yo daughter, Medical history

    Ex- Phoenix Police Officer And Wife Accused Of Murdering 7 YO Daughter! 2017-12-12 12:06:00

    The former Phoenix officer and his wife are charged and alleged of murdering their 7 year-old daughter and are charged with abuse and murder. The Policeman Germayne and wife Lisa Cunningham were indicted by the grand jury in account of...

    Keywords: Phoenix Police Officer, Former, Phoenix Police Officer, 7 yo daughter

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