The show titled ‘SoulMate - Embark on an adventurous journey into your soul’ will be having about 20 valley dancers performing in collaboration with an international artist. The show has already been staged at Europe and has been appreciated well for its embellishment of thala, raga and laya along with the mesmerising Bharathanatyam steps.
This is a non-profit show aimed at providing a platform for the valley dancers to come together and learn from an experienced artist and perform. SoulMate is a thematic dance performance produced by Archana Alagiri and Charitra Shankar. The dance perfromance is choreographed by Sneha Bharadwaj, a Bharatanatyam and Bharatanrityam dancer and teacher from Munich, Germany.
SoulMate will be performed on September 16th at 4.00 PM at Virginia G. Piper Repertory Theater, Mesa Arts Center, 1 E Main St., Mesa, AZ 85201.
Free admission is only by Pre-registration, by first come first serve basis.
Registration for free event passes is open at
More info about the event can be found at
By Premji