Hundreds Of People Come Together To Raise Money For The Fallen Officer’s FamilyTop Stories

March 05, 2018 16:09
Hundreds Of People Come Together To Raise Money For The Fallen Officer’s Family

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As witnessed in Arizona, hundreds of people on Sunday came together in the morning to all of the Fallen Police officers. All of them cleared in there running shoes participated for 11th annual Fallen Officer Memorial 5K run at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza.

The money raised wireless activity helps in rebuilding the lives of the family members of Arizona who have lost a loved one while they were serving the country and in the line of Duty. Cathy Hobbs, widow of fallen Det. John Hobbs said "It's really awesome to feel like the whole community gets together for a positive event"

While John was killed in a highly publicized shootout with an ex-Convict, Saturday he was the fourth anniversary of the officers death. Cathy added by saying "The fact that organizations like Concerns of Police Survivors are there for us on the first day and four years later the kids go to camps. We get to spend time with other families that know what we're going through and they're doing well because we have support like that,"

Cathy was overwhelmed seeing the community come together in a positive life to honor the officers, made her feel proud and together. She also added that it is a support of program that keeps her children moving forward and inspired.

-Kavitha R

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