(Image source from: cdn.dnaindia.com)
On Tuesday, the World Health Organization Executive Board, Dr Harsh Vardhan, was selected as the chairman for theUnion Health Minister of WHO. He will take over from 22nd May.
The 194-nation World Health Assembly decided to nominate an Indian for the role of Union Health Minister after Japan’s Dr Hiroki Nakatani, so they signed up for Harsh Vardhan for this designation.
This decision of electing Harsh Vardhan as the Health Minister was made by the executive board last year. Now, giving that title to him was only a formality.
Every one year, among regional groups, this post is held. The member states elect a member of the board and this is done on the instructions given by the World Health Assembly.
In the field of health, ever individual is qualified and talented. This election of member states happens once in three years. The board members meet once in two years. These individuals take final decisions of the Health Assembly.
As of now Dr Harsh Vardhan is only the Chairman of these board meetings, it will still take him a while Further, Dr Vardhan is not appointed full-time yet.He will only chair the Board's meetings.
On May 18th, in the73rd World Health Assembly video conferencing, the Health Minister, Harsh Vardhan who has been at the frontline in India’s fight against the virus addressed the crowd and said that India is taking necessary steps to curb the spread of coronavirus in the country.
By Neha Makhija