No matter how addicted you are to smoking, at least on one occasion you feel like quitting, but as rule, addictions are so hard to break. No worries, the World No Tobacco Day is here to make every smoker realize the perils of tobacco use.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and its global partners observe World No Tobacco Day every year on May 31 to create awareness about the noxious effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure.
The World No Tobacco Day 2019 will focus on the adverse impact of tobacco on people’s health. Smoking can cause lung cancer, chronic respiratory disease besides wreaking havoc on your mental and physical health.
Nonetheless, it is never too late to quit as the WHO lists several immediate and long-term health benefits of quitting smoking.
Prepare a Quit Day
The American Cancer Society suggests that smokers should list reasons they want to quit and pick a day within the next month as their ‘Quit Day.’
“Picking a date too far away gives you time to change your mind. Still, you need to give yourself enough time to prepare. You might choose a date with a special meaning like a birthday or anniversary... Or you might want to just pick a random date. Circle the date on your calendar. Make a strong, personal commitment to quit on that day,” it says.
Once the Quit Day arrives, get rid of all the cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car, and at work.
Don’t Hurry! Give It Time
The desire to smoke won't disappear overnight and the first seven to 10 days will probably be the toughest. Most smokers who get back to smoking do so within the first three months. Craving for a cigarette even after several months or years, is absolutely normal. These urges will happen less often over time and they will sooner or later stop completely.
Distract Your Mind
Whether you smoke or not, the yearn for smoking lasts only for three to five minutes. Call a friend, drink a glass of water, do some deep breathing or play a game on your phone. Find something to divert your mind so you can make it through those few minutes.
Distant Yourself from Smoke Environments
Being at a party and drinking alcohol makes many smokers want a cigarette. Let off yourself from the room for a minute or ask a friend to keep you accountable and smoke-free. It may even be best to avoid these situations for the first few weeks.
Be Patient
Don’t put yourself in a room of self-blaming or feelings of guilt when you are quitting smoking. If you do start smoking again, don't think of that as a failure. You are still learning to quit. Figure out what led to your relapse and plan on what to do differently next time.
Keep Trying
Remember, every smoker can quit. It may take some time or a few practices quits, but you have the power to break this addiction. Keep trying until you find the right combination of techniques for you and you will be able to quit smoking for good.
By Sowmya Sangam