Is your boyfriend using you? July 08, 2014 15:25
Relationship between you and your partner is one of equality. Both have to contribute equally – emotionally as well as financially. Your partner or boyfriend has to share the problems as well as the expenditure…
Read MoreNever date these men June 13, 2014 14:39
After dating one or two men most women realise that there is nothing called a 'perfect man'. So women tend to get into a relationship after dating a man for a couple of time. In…
Read More5 tips to spice up your relationship June 10, 2014 14:59
Relationships lose spark as you settle down to a life of happy contentment. Following the same mundane lifestyle makes your relationship unromantic. Your relationship needs a spark to keep it going. Failed relationships have mostly…
Read MoreWomen's tears turn-off men's sexual arousal December 09, 2013 17:35
So you think that tears are your greatest weapon against men. Think again. Tears might draw sympathy from a man in normal circumstances. But when it comea to sex, tears dampen sexual arousal of a…
Read More40s is New Age For Marriage November 28, 2013 16:07
What is late marriage for some may be the right age for someone else. There are many people out there who wait till they are 40 years old before saying, "I Do", reported the…
Read MoreHow to Tell If a Woman is Interested November 22, 2013 17:04
Everytime you look into her eyes you go all 'mush'. She even smiles at you. But you still can't decide if she is interested in you. Most men are at a loss when it comes…
Read MoreAre You Having an 'Extramarital'? November 14, 2013 14:56
An extramarital affair causes anxiety in some people, while in others it's like a spice that brings an added zing into their life. People in every society go through extra marital affair, and its existence…
Read MoreAre long distance affairs happier? October 04, 2013 16:29
Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Yes, confirms a recent study that asserts that couples in long distance relationships are happier. However, testimonials by three women dismiss the research as trash. They believe…
Read MoreWeird lovemaking spots that proved embarrassing October 01, 2013 18:33
Most couples only fantasize about making passionate love in adventurous spots. And some others make it a point to experience lovemaking in weird places. Adventure is a finicky mistress that calls everyone but allows only…
Read MoreSingle women happier than single men? September 25, 2013 18:28
In a perfect world, every man and woman are united with their soul mates. In an imperfect, uncertain world, most people are single and some more are married to the wrong people. Couples who found…
Read MoreIn matters of heart, heed that gut feeling September 23, 2013 17:25
The best thing about being in love is the unconditional support of the partner. The worst thing about loving someone is losing them. Where matters of the heart are on the line, listen to your…
Read MoreBeware of Facebook in your love life September 17, 2013 16:13
Couples beware! The main reason for the loss of sparkle in your once sizzling love life may just be Facebook. Just in case, don't go looking for a solution in Facebook. The social networking site…
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