Search Results On arizona cardinals (Page 1 of 4)

arizona cardinals (Page 1 of 4)

  • domestic-violence awareness month, Doug Ducey, domestic violence it can stop, Arizona cardinals

    Domestic Violence: It Can Stop 2016-10-04 11:38:44

    To mark the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is all set to light the state capitol building's dome purple once again under the “Lighting Arizona Purple” campaign. The governor has proclaimed “Domestic Violence: It Can...

    Keywords: Doug Ducey, domestic-violence awareness month, Domestic Violence: It Can Stop, Domestic Violence: It Can Stop

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    heat at Arizona, Arizona Cardinals Game, arizona cardinals game heat related illnesses for 21 people, Arizona cardinals

    Arizona Cardinals Game, Heat-Related Illnesses For 21 People 2015-08-17 09:58:45

    Soaring temperatures in Arizona are landing people in hospital due to heat-related illness. According to Ron Hart of the Glendale Fire Department, night at the Arizona Cardinals pre-season game, twenty-one people have reportedly suffered from heat-related illnesses. Out of them...

    Keywords: heat at Arizona, Arizona temperatures, heat at Arizona, heat at Arizona

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    women’s angel turns out to be arizona cardinals jermaine, women’s angel turns out to be arizona cardinals jermaine, airport angel of woman turns out to be arizona cardinals jermaine gresham, Arizona cardinals

    Airport Angel of Woman Turns Out To Be Arizona Cardinals Jermaine Gresham 2018-05-31 09:49:27

    Airport headaches are easy to come by, but one woman’s trip from Europe to Phoenix took a pleasant turn when a stranger stepped in to help her in her hour of need.Delilah Cassidy, a recent ASU graduate, said she was...

    Keywords: women’s angel turns out to be arizona cardinals jermaine, women’s angel turns out to be arizona cardinals jermaine, women’s angel turns out to be arizona cardinals jermaine, women’s angel turns out to be arizona cardinals jermaine

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    Cardinals bid farewell to their staff, Cardinals bid farewell to their staff, cardinals in arizona give a heart felt farewell to their deployed staff member, Arizona cardinals

    Cardinals in Arizona Give A Heart Felt Farewell to Their Deployed Staff Member 2018-06-13 05:04:51

    The Arizona Cardinals showed their appreciation for a kitchen staff member who is about to be deployed overseas.Leo Longoria is a member of the Arizona Army National Guard and is scheduled to head to his assignment on Tuesday evening.On Tuesday...

    Keywords: Cardinal staff gets farewell from staff, Cardinals bid farewell to their staff, Cardinals bid farewell to their staff, Cardinal staff gets farewell from staff

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    Arizona Lottery, Phoenix, arizona lottery begins ticket sales at sky harbor airport, Arizona cardinals

    Arizona Lottery begins ticket sales at Sky Harbor Airport! 2016-08-23 09:16:03

    The Arizona Lottery opened a retail space at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. The 500-square-foot space is located in the Terminal 4 baggage-claim area, on Level 1 and allows the purchase of lottery tickets and winning-ticket redemption. The retail...

    Keywords: Arizona Lottery, Phoenix, Sky Harbor International Airport, Sky Harbor International Airport

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    Hurricane Harvey, Helicopters, arizona sends helicopters to help texas in hurricane harvey, Arizona cardinals

    Arizona Sends Helicopters To Help Texas In Hurricane Harvey 2017-08-29 07:51:41

    Arizona State Public Safety Agencies have sent air crafts and personnel understanding the impact of Harvey In Texas. The Arizona National Guard sent for 4 helicopters to be part of a national Guard pool available as help needed. And the...

    Keywords: Arizona, Helicopters, Helicopters, Hurricane Harvey

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