Search Results On arizona students (Page 1 of 2)
arizona students (Page 1 of 2)
Many Businesses Offer Deals To Students Away From Classes Ahead Of Walkout In The Valley 2018-04-21 07:11:17
Phoenix: After all the schools announced their action plan towards the educators walkout, Many business enterprises in the valley are coming in to help parents to engage heir kids in some place after the walkout begins from next Thursday. The...
Keywords: teachers walkout, Valley business, teachers walkout, arizona humane society
Read MoreThe Record keeping issue can cause danger to Arizona students 2015-12-10 09:23:35
The Arizona State Board of Education is initiating steps to try and fix a record keeping problem that could put students in danger, which was decided after an emergency meeting of the board members. According to board members, 46 teachers, ...
Keywords: emergency meaning, Arizona State Board of Education, emergency meaning, fix a record keeping problem
Read MoreWill Arizona budget be a relief for ASU students? 2015-02-27 12:37:08
Arizona Government Doug Ducey’s budget calls for $75 million cut to the state’s universities. As per an investigation it was found that $150, a mandatory charge made from the students Arizona State University (ASU) amounted to multi- million dollar slush...
Keywords: ASU charging a mandatory athletic fee, ASU charging a mandatory athletic fee, Arizona government on athletic fee, problem faced by out of state Arizona students.
Read MoreArizona Student Gather To Raise Their Voice On Gun Violence Turns To Sit-In At Governor's Office 2018-03-15 10:39:12
Hundreds of Arizona students had a start to their day on Wednesday by walking out of class to hold demonstrations on campus as part of National Walkout Day. They assembled to honor the 17 victims killed a month ago in...
Keywords: , , ,
Read MoreLess Than One Third Arizona Students Clear AzMERIT Assessment 2015-12-04 13:46:32
Diane Douglas, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instructions announced the release of the result of AzMERIT Assessment for students who tested in this spring. Children throughout the state are disappointed with the result of Arizona’s new AzMERIT assessment which is released...
Keywords: assessment, result, Arizona Assessment, AzMERIT
Read MoreArizona Educators end protest officially, after Gov Ducey signed education bills 2018-05-04 05:29:57
Arizona:The Arizona Educators United (AEU), has officially announced, that “We will return to our schools”, suggesting that its end of their walkout on educational funding.President of Arizona Educators United (AEU) , Joe Thomas and President of National Education Association Lily...
Keywords: Arizona school bill passed, Arizona teachers end walkout, Arizona teachers end walkout, Governor Doug Duency
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