Even though Gwyneth Paltrow has been named as the most beautiful woman 2013 by people magazine, still it is pretty easy to hate her. And there is a Paltrow hate trend going on specially among netizens. If you ask why? Then the answer can be a little vague , may be her picture perfect looks, smooth upbringing , Hollywood connection of her parents and her life which is enviable for millions across the globe are the key factors in judging her merely as a lucky woman. But if you see her latest flick Ironman3 and if you are a cynic, a classic Paltrow hater or say utter sadist, even then you will change your opinion or perhaps you will be compelled to praise her Ass-kicking performance in the film.
Not only she is on top of her game in this movie, but she embraces every feminist ideal that we have held against her in the past: beauty, brains, talent, and success. Her chemistry with Robert Downey Jr is visually appealing , aesthetically pleasing and what not.
So, our concern is she should get the due as she deserves and if you think she has acted well only in this film, please watch “Shakespeare in love” to feel blessed that we live in the times of a stunning actress named Gwyneth ( if our words seems
little cheesy , it's not our fault....it her's)
What else you could possibly ask for...?