(Image source from: BlackBerry luanches "BlackBerry Passport")
BlackBerry officially launched its "Professional" BlackBerry Passport, cost on stand is Rs 49 990 which offers powerful hardware and a clever keyboard that makes for a great reading and editing experience.
Square chassis that makes the device great for reading and editing documents is the reason for its distinct shape.
The Amazon appstore comes preinstalled, and you can just fire it up and download apps as you would on any Android device.
Previously images of BlackBerry gold image were released by Crackberry, in which logo of BlackBerry was carried.But there was no confirmation whether the Passport Gold edition is official from BlackBerry or if the handset is being encased in gold by a luxury brand.
There is no confirmed news about the handset nor about the launch or unveiling of the same.
Aw: Arun kumar