(Image source from: FB explores video ad potency)
Social Networking giant Facebook Inc is known to be testing videos that play spontaneously on mobile versions of its service. FB known to be predetermining the stage to turn the 1.15 billion-member social network into an attractive venue for profitable television-like video ads. Interestingly, the company mentioned in a post on its official blog on Thursday that the videos will be silent when they become visible in a Facebook user's newsfeed, yet stretch out and play the audio when clicked.
Facebook informed that only videos posted to Facebook by individual users, celebrities otherwise musicians will have the auto-play function during the test. On the contrary, it distinguished that it would study how to bring this to marketers in the future. The test, which involves a small group of United States users, is likely to gain steady progression up otherwise down towards expectations for Facebook video ads.
That's certainly a cool innovation in progress!