Stylish Star Allu Arjun wrapped up the shoot of his next movie titled Duvvada Jagannadham. Directed by Harish Shankar, the film is one of the most awaited movies and Pooja Hegde played the female lead. Allu Arjun has been showcased as a Brahmin cook and at the same time he has been showcased in a stylish avatar in one more look for Duvvada Jagannadham. Devi Sri Prasad composed the music and Duvvada Jagannadham has done some stupendous pre-release business.
Duvvada Jagannadham has been sold out for Rs 60.80 crores across the Telugu speaking states AP and Telangana. The movie surprised with a total pre-release business of Rs 77.30 crores across the world. Bunny pinned massive hopes on the movie and he is promoting the film all over. Top producer Dil Raju produced Duvvada Jagannadham and the movie is all set for June 23rd release.
Nizam | 18 Cr |
Ceeded | 12 Cr |
UA | 7.70 Cr |
Guntur | 6 Cr |
East | 5.40 Cr |
West | 4.50 Cr |
Krishna | 4.50 Cr |
Nellore | 2.70 Cr |
Total AP/TG | 60.80 Cr |
Rest of India | 8.50 Cr |
Overseas | 8 Cr |
Total WW | 77.30 Cr |