For most Americans, the scar inflicted by the horrific Boston Bombing is still raw. As the city tries hard to forget this unfortunate event and trying to take all possible measures against this kind of attack happening again, it is the security agencies who are facing the music at it's loudest.
Astonishingly, The number of names on the FBI and other agency's watch list of suspected terrorists has jumped to 875,000 from 540,000 . A source revealed.
The law enforcement authority and most notably FBI uses the "Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment" which is a master database that helps the agencies build other catalogs of possible terrorists, like the "no-fly" list which prevents people who feature on it from boarding airplanes.
After 9/11 the notion of American invincibility simply vaporized and thus the role of security agencies expanded like never before.
Interestingly, Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was on FBI radar since 2011.
( Jyotishman Debnath)