Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, reached in Washington, US on Thursday. He will attend the two-day Nuclear Security Summit. The summit is expected to be attended by the world leaders from over 50 countries.
PM Modi is scheduled to interact with the host President Barack Obama and a number of world leaders. This is the third visit of Indian prime minister to US and second to Washington, after becoming Prime Minister in 2014.
Prime minister is scheduled to hold a meeting with Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key, on Thursday and he will also meet with scientists from Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory.
Modi had said before leaving for the three-countries tour of US, Belgium and Saudi Arabia, “The summit would deliberate on the crucial issue of threat to nuclear security caused by nuclear terrorism. Leaders would discuss ways and measure through which to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture, especially to ensure that non-state actors do not get access to nuclear material.”
Joint Secretary (Disarmament & International Security Affairs), Amandeep Singh Gill said that, “India expects that the summit would contribute further to raising high level awareness of the threat of nuclear terrorism and the need to strengthen international cooperation against terrorists and nuclear traffickers.”
“We also expect that the summit would help bolster legal, institutional and enforcement measures to strengthen the security of nuclear material, radioactive sources, associated facilities and technologies,” Gill said.