A new study said that, the things which keep you healthy overall, will help the women to lower the risk of breast cancer.
The study discovered that exercising on a regular basis, maintaining a healthy diet and weight and also limiting the consumption of alcohol could reduce the odds of breast cancer.
The report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and also the World Cancer Research Fund, is based on the study of more than 100 studies on breast cancer.
The researchers also found that, regular exercise is connected only to small reductions in the risk of breast cancer. Whereas, the risk of breast cancer is elevated among the women who drank regularly, even at a moderate one drink per a day level. On the other hand, the women who were overweight in their adulthood face a greater risk of breast cancer after their menopause.
The end line is that women can take all the proper steps to cut their odds of developing breast cancer, as per Dr. Anne McTiernan, one of the authors of report.
"I think of lifestyle choices as being like wearing a seatbelt. It's not a guarantee you'll avoid injury in a car accident, but it significantly reduces your risk," said McTiernan, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in Seattle.
On an average in the United States, one in eight women are developing breast cancer, as per the American Cancer Society.
Some of the risk factors for breast cancer cannot be changed as like older age and also having a strong history of the disease in family. But still lifestyle makes a big difference, said an oncologist with the Mount Sinai Health System,Dr. Paula Klein.
"We know that more than 50 percent of cancers are preventable with lifestyle choices," Klein said, who was not involved in the report.
So if a woman takes steps to curb her risk of breast cancer, she will also be lowering her odds of developing some other kind of cancers, including the major diseases like type 2 diabetes and also heart disease, Klein said.
The research also found that, the women who were moderately active all the day are tended to have a lower risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, which is the most common kind.
Women with the highest amounts of daily activities are 13 percent less likely to develop the postmenopausal breast cancer, compared to the women with lowest amounts of activity.
The activities included formal exercise, such as a fast-paced walk for 30 minutes . But it also includes the housework, gardening and also other daily tasks which keep the women moving.
As per McTiernan, fitting in the physical activity all the day is key. "That is, once you do your 30-minute walk, don't spend the rest of the day on the couch," she said.
When it comes to breast cancer before the menopause, only high intensity exercise was connected to a lower risk. The women who are most active throughout the day had a 17 percent of reduced risk in the premenopausal breast cancer compared those who were least active.
For the postmenopausal breast cancer, women who are the most active when it comes to vigorous exercise, dropped the risk of breast cancer by 10 percent when compared to the least active women, the study showed.
Women who are overweight or obese faced the higher risk of breast cancer after their menopause. For every 5-point increase in the body mass index (BMI), the breast cancer risk rose by 12 percent, said McTiernan.
As for the alcohol, the study found that even the moderate drinking was tied to the increased risk of breast cancer: Drinking the equal and a small glass of wine each day has boosted the odds of breast cancer by 5 percent to 9 percent. But the calculation might be different for a woman with risk factors, such as having a strong family history of breast cancer, Klein said.
The report included 119 studies which looked at the relationship between the risk of breast cancer and diet, exercise and also body weight.
The review dug up only the limited evidence which specific diet habits are related to the risk of breast cancer.
But a few studies have linked that diets with higher dairy products, calcium and also non-starchy vegetables to lower the risk of breast cancer, noted the report. Foods which contain carotenoids, such as carrots, spinach and also kale have also been connected to the benefit.
Mrudula Duddempudi.