How often are you looking through your spouse’s phone? Is it daily, weekly, monthly - or once in a blue moon to just make sure everything is perfect?
In a 2013 study conducted in the United Kingdom and reported in The Telegraph, 34% of women admitted that they had looked through the cell phone of a partner or ex-partner without their knowledge. But before women start feeling bad those stats, take a look at the findings for men. Nearly twice as many men, 62%, admitted doing the very same thing, according to the study of 2,081 adults in the UK who were in a relationship at the time.
We all lead social lives digitally,at the same time we come across some psychological obsession about our 'personal space', or what we call private. Whether it's with or without intention, when your partner's mobile is put on charging, we snoop in to check his latest Whatsapp messages or e-mails.
Aaron Balick, author of The Psychodynamics of Social Networking though said that we should not blame technology completely for snooping behaviour, but it has "lowered the bar".
Space is required in relationships
There should be an honorable space between you and your partner. Everyone is different individual and therefore our phones or personal spaces should be private. This is also a sign of trust and a healthy relationship between two partners. Otherwise relationship will be claustrophobic.
Checking personal information can create Misunderstandings
Relationships are all about trust. Checking your spouse’s phone secretly indicates that you don’t trust him/her, which may affect your relationship. Checking on information can also lead to misunderstandings. Transparency is needed in a healthy and long term bonding.
Sharing password doesn't indicate LOVE
Among many couples it is very usual now a days to share each other’s passwords. But this is no way a healthy habit. It does’nt imply that you love your partner you are maintaining a transparency in relationship. Moreover it denotes that you does’nt trust your spouse so you need his passwords to keep a track of his/her activities. Avoid such things to make your relationship peaceful.
It is funny but most people get a mild heart attack when someone wants to check their phone. Isn't your phone just a tool to communicate? Why the fuss? As mature people, it is better to deal with this in a dignified way by communicating openly with each other.
Also Read: Think twice before you lose your trust on your partner
By Prakriti Neogi